Our Strategic Approach
What distinguishes Fly High Investing from other investment websites and newsletters is our focus on the power of compounding ultra-high-yield dividends. As Albert Einstein famously remarked, 'Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it; he who doesn't pays it.' This underscores the formidable impact of compounding, a fundamental financial principle that drives exponential growth. This same compounding effect also applies to dividends generated from earnings.
All the companies in our portfolio are Regulated Investment Companies (RICs). RICs benefit from a unique pass-through structure, which exempts them from corporate income taxes. Instead, individual investors pay taxes on their income, avoiding double taxation. Taxes are deferred when RICs are held in retirement accounts like 401(k)s or traditional IRAs, and tax-free in Roth IRAs. Additionally, RICs must distribute at least 90% of their income to shareholders, making them ideal for income investors.
At Fly High Investing, we focus on highly profitable companies that pay ultra-high-yield dividends. To ensure these dividends are sustainable and reliable, we focus on adjusted earnings, also known as distributable earnings. Our analysis goes beyond company-issued reports, as we validate this information with insights from independent analysts at reputable institutions like IBES. This additional scrutiny produces a portfolio of highly profitable companies that consistently generate sustainable ultra-high-yield dividends.
Our screening process evaluates over 12,000 stocks to identify the top 50 that meet our stringent earnings and dividend criteria.
We monitor our portfolio daily for any news that might impact earnings or dividends. Each earnings report is analyzed to ensure ongoing qualification, and we adjust our holdings by rotating out companies that no longer meet our criteria. This disciplined focus on earnings and dividends fuels the long-term growth of your dividend income stream.
All the stocks in our portfolio can be held in tax-deferred accounts such as 401(k)s and IRAs, and to avoid complicated K-1 forms, we do not include Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs). Dividends generated within these tax-deferred accounts are also tax-deferred. To purchase stocks within a tax-deferred account, you simply need a brokerage link within the account.
A subscription to Fly High Investing costs as little as $49, and we offer a 7-day unconditional money-back guarantee. Advisors who charge flat fees typically charge thousands of dollars a year. Most actively managed funds charge expensive management fees, which increase with the value of your portfolio. As the manager of your portfolio, you have the potential to save thousands of dollars in fees annually. To save expensive management fees and get on the fast track to financial freedom, click the "Become a Subscriber" button below.

"Dividend investing allows you to benefit from the power of compounding without having to actively sell shares" - LPL Financial
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